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Samuel Goodrich

Creating Passionate Accessible Analysis

For over 20 years I've been passionate about analyzing media and exploring topics through writing. With the advent of YouTube I've been able to connect with others interested in the same movies, games and nerdy topics. With a focus on positivity, unbridled passion and respect, I create videos that aim to make media criticism more accessible and fun!

Home: Welcome

Professional History

Work Experience

Key Web Concepts - Content Specialist

March 2020 - Present

I worked with a small team of copywriters and web designers to create competitive websites for small business owners. Through detailed interviews, comprehensive competitor research and a focus on SEO, I helped websites rank on the first page of Google through ongoing SEO maintenance plans.

RVA Magazine - Contributing Writer

June 2019 - August 2019

I wrote analytical movie reviews, focusing on independent and smaller release films.

The Commonwalth Times - Staff Writer

August 2015 - December 2018

I wrote event articles for the arts and culture section titled Spectrum. I soon began focusing on writing weekly film reviews, and in my last semester I started managing a second writer

 Cape Fear Publishing - Editorial Intern

May 2017 - July 2017

I assisted the Virginia Living Magazine team for a special issue highlighting the top schools in Virginia. I researched over 100 special needs schools, finding what made each institution unique. My work was published in the October 2017 issue of Virginia Living Magazine.

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Links to my various articles and videos


This YouTube channel is my main source of film criticism and opinions.

These are my most recent written film reviews.

These are written reviews I wrote during my time at VCU. These reviews were also published in the The Commonwealth Times newspaper

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